Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where have I been?? 2009

I am going to try and chronicle what has happened in the last couple years in a 3 posts so here goes...

January 2009 - Monte finds out his co-pilot is to be laid off and panic sets in. Super concerned about his job security and start to make plans to reduce monthly expenses.

February 2009 - Feeling a little off so I decide to take a pregnancy test that I had laying around and low and behold it is positive. More panicking. Wrong economy to bring a baby into. Monte is calm and collected as always. I love him. I just don't know what I would do without him!

Leyton turns 4!

March 2009 - Go with Monte and the kids to Crested Butte again on a flight. Ski for two days and on the third begin spotting. More panicking. This seems to be a pattern with me! Decide to wait to tell family until we are sure everything looks good at 9 week ultrasound.

April 2009 - Officially 9 weeks and get to have first ultrasound. Baby looks great. Measuring right on track but a small blood clot is found near placenta. No more running for me. :( Nia's 7th birthday party we tell the family we are expecting. A lot of shocked people because Nia is 7 and Leyton is 4 and everyone thought we were done. God had another plan!

Nia turns 7!

June 2009 - Took the kids to Kansas City to a Royals game and Oceans of Fun. Fun time!
Have the gender ultrasound at 20 weeks and It's a Boy!! The blood clot is gone, so I can begin running again. Easier said than done after an 11 week hiatus plus I am pregnant!!!

July 2009 - Monte and I celebrate our 10th anniversary.

August 2009 - I turn 30. Hard to believe I am pregnant with #3 at 30. Some people don't even start until after this age. I guess that is what happens when you marry an old fart! lol jk I love you Monte :)

Nia starts 2nd grade and Leyton starts 4yr old preschool. I have a whole 3 hours to myself in the afternoons. Just in time for a new baby, right !?!?!

October 30, 2009 - I start my day with a Halloween party in Nia's classroom, followed by a full day at work, then come home fix supper and get the kids situated with a movie and finally sit down and realize that I am having contractions. Wow, I wasn't planning on this yet. We have an induction scheduled for next Wednesday. The whole pregnancy I said "as long as he isn't born on Halloween" Looks like I jinxed myself! Call my mom and dad about 11:00pm because the contractions are getting pretty intense and they live an hour away and we need babysitters for DD & DS. They show up about 12:30am and DH and I head to the hospital. I get there and am only at 2c. What I was at my last appt. The contractions are really intense now and I can't get any sleep. They check me again in an hour and no progress. No progress!! We decide to go home so DH can get some sleep. I have contractions all night, so the next morning we head back to the hospital. They check me, I am at 2 1/2. Are you kidding me! I mean, I am almost crying now. I can not go back home. I haven't slept all night and I am not making any progress!! They call my doc, who happens to be on call, thank you Jesus, he comes in and says, "so do you want to have a baby today?" YES!!!! They start pitocin about 2:00pm, break my water at 3:00, epidural about 3:30pm.

Kye Rus Reneau was born at 7:45pm, October 31, 2009.....Halloween. Leyton tells me he has the coolest birthday ever. I start to feel better. It will be okay. I just have to get over it :)

November 2009 - I don't remember a lot, just that I was always tired. It is hard getting up with a newborn every 2 hours and then up for good at 6:45 to get the big kids off to school.

December 2009 - Kye's first Christmas

Monte has a flight to CB and he takes Nia and my brother for 10 days. Longest 10 days of my life! I am home alone with a 2 month old and 4 year old.

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